Emotional Baggage
Have you ever carried a backpack full of heavy things? When you did for a long time, maybe you started to walk slower because of all the weight, or crouch over with a sore back. The same goes for things on our insides! We call this "emotional baggage", it may be feelings of unworthiness, resentment, or lack of confidence.
Draw your emotional baggage in this backpack to help you take a look at the things that weigh you down. The good news is you don't have to carry them. You have the power to lay them down.
This printable and a lot more like it are available in Art Feeds Online! Members usually get first dibs, but today, we’re sharing this special one for free. Click below to download this printable in English and Spanish.
How did it go? Snap a photo or video of your work and share it online with #ArtFeedsMakes so we can see it and cheer on your creativity + emotional expression.
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